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Garden with Insight v1.0 Help: Soil params auto operations group

Auto fertilize: If any plant in a soil patch is nitrogen stressed (below a parameter), and the required number of days has passed since the last fertilization, add nitrate and labile P directly to the second soil layer of the soil patch.

Minimum days between auto fertilizations: The number of days that must pass after an auto fertilization before another auto fertilization can occur.

Nitrogen stress factor to trigger auto fertilization: If the lowest (worst) nitrogen stress constraint on plant growth among the plants in this soil patch is below this number (from zero to one), auto fertilization will occur (if other factors such as days between auto fertilizations allow).

Ignore N content when auto fertilizing: If 'yes', always apply the same amount of nitrate fertilizer when auto fertilizing (based on the maximum fertilizer per year and the fraction for each application). If 'no', subtract from that amount the existing amount of nitrate in the soil.

Maximum fraction of annual N per auto fertilization: The highest fraction of the maximum allowable amount of N fertilizer per soil patch that can be auto applied in any one application. For example, if this number is 0.1, only one-tenth the total allowable fertilizer can be auto applied at any one time.

Ignore N content when auto fertilizing: If 'yes', always apply the same amount of nitrate fertilizer when auto fertilizing (based on the maximum fertilizer per year and the fraction for each application). If 'no', subtract from that amount the existing amount of nitrate in the soil.

Auto irrigate: If any plant in a soil patch is water stressed (below a parameter), apply enough water to saturate all layers of the soil patch to field capacity. A fraction of the water (a parameter) is lost due to runoff.

Water stress factor to trigger auto irrigation: The water stress growth constraint (from zero to one) at which auto irrigation should occur. If any plant in the soil patch has a water stress constraint below (worse than) this factor, the soil patch will be automatically irrigated.

Minimum volume per auto irrigation: The smallest volume of water that can be applied in one auto irrigation.

Maximum volume per auto irrigation: The maximum amount of water that can be applied to this soil patch in any auto irrigation.

Minimum days between auto irrigations: The number of days that must pass after an auto irrigation before another auto irrigation can occur.

Maximum annual irrigation: The maximum irrigation water allowed to be automatically applied to any soil patch in any year.

Auto irrigation is by furrow (not sprinkler): If 'yes', auto irrigation is applied into the furrows between soil rows, as with a soaker hose; if 'no', auto irrigation is applied with a sprinkler. Affects the peak rate of runoff and water erosion (sprinkler flow makes more erosion).

Fraction of irrigation water lost to runoff: The fraction of irrigation water that runs off the surface of the soil. This parameter affects all the soil patches in the garden.

N as nitrate concentration in irrigation water: The concentration of nitrate in water applied in auto irrigation and watering with a tool. Ranges from 0-100 ppm (g/cm3). Nitrate in irrigation water enters the first soil layer.

Ignore soil water content when irrigating: If 'yes', always add whatever amount of water was applied with the watering can when you water the soil. If 'no', only add water that can be absorbed by the soil (up to the soil's field capacity).

Auto-maintain drainage system: Build and maintain drainage pipes in one of the soil layers so that excess water in that layer drains off instead of pooling and causing aeration stress to the plants. You can change in which layer the drainage system is installed in the browser.

Layer containing drainage system: The soil layer in which a drainage system is installed, if the 'auto maintain drainage system' option is on for this soil patch. Excess water in this layer drains off through the drainage pipes instead of pooling and causing aeration stress to plants.

Time for drainage system to reduce water stress: If a drainage system is installed in this soil patch (the 'auto maintain drainage system' option is on), this is how long it takes excess water to leave the soil patch via the drainage system to the point that plant aeration stress is reduced.

Auto harvest: Harvest fruits and other plant parts as soon as they become mature. For plants that must be pulled up to be harvested (such as carrots), harvest the entire plant as soon as it is mature.

Minimum days between auto harvests: The number of days that must pass after an auto harvest before another auto harvest can occur.

Auto-maintain furrow dikes: Build and maintain dikes (retaining walls) at intervals along the soil furrows (troughs). Furrow dikes prevent water from running off the soil, reducing erosion and allowing water to be absorbed more slowly so plants get more water from each rainfall.

Auto-maintain pH: At the end of each year, attempt to return the soil pH to 6.5. If the soil is highly weathered, it is well buffered and only enough lime is added to counteract aluminum toxicity in the soil. In this model pH is changed only by fertilization and liming.

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Updated: May 4, 1998. Questions/comments on site to
Copyright © 1998 Paul D. Fernhout & Cynthia F. Kurtz.