Garden with Insight v1.0 Help: Soil daily temperature group
Snow pack temperature today: If there is snow, this is the
average temperature in the snow pack (on the surface) on this soil patch today. Derived from the air and
soil surface temperatures and used to determine how much of the snow will melt today, if any.
Temperature at soil surface today: The temperature at the soil surface today, considering: solar
radiation, soil albedo (reflectance), yesterday's soil temperature,
amount of vegetative and snow cover, and water content. Affects many soil and plant processes.
Bare soil surface temperature today: The temperature at the surface of this soil patch today, if the
soil patch has no vegetative cover or snow.
Soil cover lag factor for surface temperature today: The proportion of today's soil temperature determined by yesterday's soil
temperature (for the soil surface, yesterday's second layer temperature; for each layer, yesterday's layer
temperature). Determined by the amount of vegetative cover and snow.
Covered soil surface temperature today: The temperature at the surface of the soil today
considering the soil cover of vegetation or snow.
Temperature today by layer: Temperature at the vertical center of each soil layer today. As you move down the soil
profile, soil temperature becomes more and more buffered from
changes in air temperature because soil water heats up and cools down more slowly than air.
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