Garden with Insight v1.0 Help: Quick start
Welcome to the Garden with Insight garden simulator, where you plant vegetables in a simulated
garden on the computer and watch them grow. You can dig, hoe, weed and harvest using graphical tools
that look and work just like their real counterparts. You can customize the climate, soil type, layout,
plants, and soil amendments.
Here is how to get the Garden with Insight program up and running in a few minutes. This section is
for experienced computer users who want to get started right away. For more details, see the Tutorial or Reference sections.
Start the program
Open the File Manager or Windows Explorer and double-click on the executable file (gwi16.exe
or gwi32.exe). If you downloaded the program, the executable file will be on your
hard disk in the directory into which you unzipped the zip file. If you received Garden with Insight on a
CD-ROM, you can run the program from the CD-ROM by double-clicking on the executable file on the
CD-ROM; but for fastest performance you should copy the directory in which the executable file resides
to your hard disk and double-click on the executable file there.
The Garden with Insight program will start. This is the main window of the program. It is called the
garden window. You can't maximize the garden window because it can
only be as large as the picture inside it.
Now we will open the tutorial garden file, which is used for both the quick start description and the
tutorial description. Choose Open from the File menu. In the
dialog that appears asking if you want to save the current garden, click
No. Next, in the file dialog that appears, choose the file from the directory
in which the executable file was found, then click OK. You will see a patio garden with two
prepared soil patches (on the left and center) and several unprepared
soil beds (on the right and in the back).
Note: This quick start section assumes you have already installed the Garden with Insight
program and that you have not changed the tutorial garden file ( The original
tutorial garden file is read-only so you cannot save over it. If you want to save the tutorial garden after
making changes to it, choose Save as from the File menu to
save the file with a different name so the original tutorial garden will be unchanged. If you find major
discrepancies between this description and the tutorial garden (if someone has already changed and saved
it), look for the file in your installation copy and recopy it from there.
Plant pea seeds
Move the mouse around. You are moving a garden glove with an
arrow cursor at the tip of its index finger. Notice that as you move over
either of the two prepared soil patches the cursor changes to an arrow
with a square .
Move the cursor over the seed packet, then click with the right
mouse button to pick it up. (You can also hold down the Shift key and click with the left mouse button.)
Now the glove is carrying the seed packet and the cursor has moved to the corner of the seed packet. From
the third drop-down list box at the top of the window, choose
Pea from the list. Move the seed packet to a prepared soil patch. Make sure the cursor is inside
the soil patch by checking that the cursor looks like an arrow with a square .
Click once; you have planted a pea seed. The triangle plant symbol you
see shows how big the plant will grow when it is full sized. The filled area inside the symbol shows how
big the plant is now. Plant a few more seeds. Right-click to put down the seed packet.
Watch your peas grow
Choose Go from the Run menu. As the simulation moves
forward, the date on the garden window toolbar will change and your
plants will grow. Wait until your plants are nearly grown, then click anywhere on the garden window
below the toolbar. The simulation will stop running.
Look at a pea plant close up
Right-click on the magnifying glass. Move the cursor to the base of
a plant. You will know when the cursor is at the base of a plant because it will look like an arrow with a
leaf attached . Click at the base
of a plant. The plant you chose will be shown in detail on the window that appears; this is the browser.
Harvest some peas
To harvest peas from the plant you see in the browser, switch to harvest
mode by clicking on the harvest button on the browser, then move the cursor over the plant. Whenever you pass the cursor over a
pea pod that can be harvested, a picture (icon) of a pea pod will appear.
If no pea pod icons appear, there aren't any peas to harvest yet. In that case, run the simulation again for a
week or two then look for pea pod icons again. When you find a pea pod icon, click on it. The icon will
appear in the harvest panel at the bottom of the browser.
To see a list of all the items you have harvested from your garden in the harvest window, choose Harvest from the Window menu on the garden window.
To leave the Garden with Insight program, choose Exit from the File menu. If you don't want to save the changes you have made to the
tutorial garden, click Don't Save. If you want to save the changes you have made, click
Cancel, then choose Save as from the File menu and save the file with a different name
(so the original tutorial garden is not changed). Then choose Exit from the File menu again, and
click Don't Save.
That's the basic idea, though there are many details to explore when you are ready. To learn more, go
through the tutorial and read the reference sections of this help system.