Garden with Insight v1.0 Help: Weather normalizing group
Total rainfall since weather creation by month: The sum of the simulated precipitation on each
day since the weather was used. This is used to create an adjustment factor that keeps the years of simulated weather similar to each other and to
avoid unrealistic extremes.
Factor to normalize rainfall over simulation years: An
adjustment factor calculated at the end of each year that keeps the daily simulated rainfall from ranging
too far from the long-term monthly means and also keeps the years of
simulated weather roughly similar with each other.
Total maximum temperature since weather creation by month: The sum of the simulated
maximum temperature on each day since the weather was used. This is used to create an adjustment factor
that keeps the years of simulated weather similar to each other and to avoid unrealistic extremes.
Factor to normalize maximum temperature over simulation years: An adjustment factor
calculated at the end of each year that keeps the daily simulated temperature from ranging too far from the
long-term monthly means and also keeps the years of simulated weather roughly similar with each other.
Total minimum temperature since weather creation by month: The sum of the simulated
minimum temperature on each day since the weather was used. This is used to create an adjustment factor
that keeps the years of simulated weather similar to each other and to avoid unrealistic extremes.
Factor to normalize minimum temperature over simulation years: An adjustment factor
calculated at the end of each year that keeps the daily simulated temperature from ranging too far from the
long-term monthly means and also keeps the years of simulated weather roughly similar with each other.
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