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Garden with Insight v1.0 Help: Plant next day functions: if annual plant and one year old, die (if dead, leave next day function)
This version of the simulation only supports three life-cycle types of plant: annual, biennial and perennial. An annual plant dies after exactly one year
if it has not already been killed by frost. A biennial plant dies after exactly two years if it has not already
been killed by frost. A perennial plant attempts to live forever. Biennials and perennials enter a dormant
state when the day length dips below one hour above the minimum for
the year. A dormant plant can lose biomass to frost, short day lengths,
and water stress, but it cannot grow or die.
In this part of the plant's next-day routine the plant checks its age (if it is not a seed). If it is annual and
over one year old or biennial and over two years old, the entire amount of living plant biomass dies and
the next-day routine is aborted. You can still see a plant in the garden after it dies (it is brown), and it will
continue to exist as a simulated object until you pull it up. This is so you can drag the organic matter blob created when you pull the plant up to a compost pile or
other soil patch.
calculation of frost death, dormancy,
damage from frost and short day length, damage from water stress, growth
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