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Garden with Insight v1.0 Help: How to copy a picture of a window to the clipboard
You can include a picture of the Garden with Insight garden window, browser, graph window, or
harvest window in a report or letter by copying a picture of one of these windows into the Windows
clipboard and pasting it into your word processor, spreadsheet, or paint program file.
To copy a picture of the garden window, choose Copy window from the Edit menu on the garden window. You can then paste the picture into
another program. To copy a picture of the browser, graph window, or harvest window, type the shortcut
Ctrl-I (that's "eye," not "L") while the window you want to copy is on top.
The picture you paste may not be understood by your word processor or paint program -- it may appear
mostly black, or it may look fine in your program but print badly. If this happens, try pasting the picture
into another program. In our testing so far, we found that in Windows 3.1, pictures would not print
correctly from Paintbrush or Write (the garden window picture came out mostly black), but pictures would
print correctly from Microsoft Word and from Paintshop Pro (a paint program). One of our users reported
that she was able to print pictures from Microsoft Works if she pasted the picture into a drawing object
(but we have not tested this). Also note that the border around the window will not be copied, just the
interior of the window.