Garden with Insight v1.0 Help: How to change the scales of the graph axes
To change the scales of the graph axes in the graph window, assuming
you have already graphed at least one aspect, first click on the
Titles button at the bottom of the graph window. The graph titles
and scales window will appear.
The graph titles and scales window
The graph has two axes, left and right. You must set the scales and titles for these axes separately.
Note, however, that each axis will appear only if you have at least one aspect on that axis.
For each axis, set the scale by changing the minimum and maximum numbers in the edit boxes after the
word Range. The Auto scale check box will uncheck itself automatically. To return to
autoscaling the axis, check the Auto scale check box.
If the scale for either axis crosses the zero line (e.g., -5.0 to 10.0), you can choose whether to mark a line
where the zero point lies. To show the zero line, check the Zero line check box for either axis; to
hide the zero line, uncheck it.
Click OK to save your changes or Cancel to abandon them. When you return to the
graph window, the graph will update to reflect your changes.