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Garden with Insight v1.0 Help: How to make a new soil amendment
The soil amendments you apply to
the soil using the bag exist only as templates; they never have counterpart objects in the garden such as soil patches or plants. Therefore the
only way to make a new soil amendment is by copying another soil amendment.
There are two ways to copy a soil amendment: in the browser and in the templates window. To make a
copy of a soil amendment using the browser, select it in from the drop-down list box at the top of the
browser, then click the template
button. In the small dialog box that appears, type the name for the new soil amendment template then
click OK. The browser will automatically select the new soil amendment.
To make a copy of a soil amendment using the templates window, choose Templates from the
Edit menu on the garden window. In the templates window that appears, select a soil amendment template in the
list, then click Copy. Type in a name for the copy, then click OK. The new copy will
appear in the list. Click OK to save your changes or Cancel to abandon them.