Garden with Insight v1.0 Help: Soil daily N sources group
N fertilizer applied today:
The amount of N fertilizer automatically applied to this soil patch today. Auto fertilization applies only
pure nitrate to the soil (which is unrealistic).
N as nitrate entering soil in irrigation today: Nitrate N added to this soil patch by its presence in
irrigation water today. The concentration of nitrate in irrigation water is is a soil patch parameter.
N as nitrate entering soil in rainfall today: Nitrate N entering this soil patch today by its
presence in precipitation (rain or melting snow). The concentration of nitrate in rainfall is a soil patch
N as fresh organic in undecayed dead plant matter (in organic
matter blobs) on this soil patch: The amount of N as fresh organic N in dead plant biomass on this
soil patch in the form of organic matter blobs, which result from pulling up or harvesting a plant.
N as fresh organic in flat residue newly decayed from organic
matter blobs today: The amount of fresh organic N in the flat residue added to the mulch on top of this soil patch today from pulled or harvested plants and
from decay of standing dead plant residue. Mulch fresh organic N moves into fresh organic N in the top
soil layer.
N fertilizer applied this year: The amount of N fertilizer automatically applied so far this
calendar year to this soil patch. Auto fertilization applies only pure nitrate to the soil (which is
N fixed this year: The total amount of N fixed from atmospheric N2 by leguminous plants in this
soil patch so far this calendar year. Important in pH control as N
fixation tends to reduce pH.
N as nitrate added in irrigation water this year: Nitrate N added to this soil patch by its presence
in irrigation water this calendar year. The concentration of nitrate in irrigation water is constant at ten
grams of nitrate per cubic meter (1000 liters) of water.
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