Garden with Insight v1.0 Help: Weather next day functions: generate today's wind direction
This function generates a wind direction for the day. This is the
direction from which the wind is blowing.
If the "simulated" option for wind direction is chosen: The wind direction is chosen
from one of the sixteen wind directions using the proportion of wind
from each direction (this month) as a probability distribution. What that means is: A number is randomly selected from a uniform distribution from zero to one. Dividing
up the range from zero to one into a map of the probabilities of wind from each direction, the random
number falls within one of the ranges, and so the wind is from that direction today. The diagram below
shows how the random number is laid against the probabilities (but here we only show eight directions for
clarity). Since many uniformly-distributed random numbers will cover the entire map, we end up with a
distribution of wind directions over time similar to that in the data.
If the "always E" option for wind direction is chosen: The wind direction is from the
East. If the "always W" option for wind direction is chosen: The wind direction is from
the West (there is no "smoothed" option for wind direction). If the "unchanging"
option for wind direction is chosen: The wind direction stays the same as it was yesterday.
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