Garden with Insight v1.0 Help: Harvest parts tool action
The harvest parts tool action harvests all mature edible parts of a plant. To harvest all the mature
parts of a plant, pick up a tool that has the harvest parts action (like the glove) in the garden window and click
at the base of the plant.
Whether or not the plant is pulled up when you use the harvest parts action on it depends on
what parts of the plant are harvested. This depends on which harvest
items belong to the plant (harvest items are changed in the harvest item
editor accessed from the browser). Generally, plants are harvested
the way they are usually harvested in gardens. Specific cases are as follows.
For root vegetables like the carrot, you harvest the root and usually nothing else, and the plant
cannot survive without the root. Such a plant will have a root harvest item only. A root vegetable
will be pulled up when you use the harvest parts action on it.
For fruit vegetables such as the tomato, you harvest
fruits only, and the plant can survive without its fruits. Such a plant will have a fruit harvest item
only. A fruit vegetable will not be pulled up when you use the harvest parts
action on it.
For some whole-plant vegetables such as broccoli, you don't eat the whole plant, but you tend to
pull it up when you harvest it. Such a plant will have a whole-plant harvest item only. A whole-
plant vegetable will be pulled up when you use the harvest parts action on it.
For leafy vegetables such as lettuce, it depends on whether the whole plant is generally harvested
at once. Leaf lettuce is often harvested a few leaves at a time, so it has a leaf harvest item but no whole-
plant harvest item. Leaf lettuce will not be pulled up when you use the harvest parts
action on it. Head lettuce, on the other hand, is usually harvested completely, so it has a whole-plant
harvest item but no leaf harvest item. Head lettuce will be pulled up when you use the harvest
parts action on it.
For some combination vegetables such as the beet, you can eat both the root and the leaves. You
may pull off beet greens as the plant grows, then harvest the beet root later. A beet would have a leaf
harvest item and a root harvest item and will not be pulled up when you use the harvest
parts action on it. If you want to harvest the root, you must use the harvest whole action.
If any parts of the plant are edible and mature, they will add items to the harvest window. If the harvested parts have some dead biomass in them, the dead biomass in all the harvested parts will be
combined into an organic matter blob. The organic matter blob will
appear on the garden window in the soil patch the plant belongs to.
To undo harvesting a plant, choose Undo from the garden window Edit menu.
How it works: harvesting plant parts